We are excited to share an opportunity to contribute to an important initiative as part of the TRACE project. The survey aims to gather insights into the public’s perceptions and awareness of automated mobility systems.
Addressing Challenges in Logistics with Intelligent Services
In recent years, the logistics industry has faced continuous and significant challenges. The global trend is moving towards the adoption of intelligent services to enhance system performance and enable synchromodal operations. Transfers and deliveries can greatly benefit from novel business models that incorporate these intelligent services, focusing on optimizing the use of shared resources. This approach lays the foundation for providing a climate-friendly infrastructure. The goal of synchromodal operations and integrating diverse logistics services is to reduce the number of current transfers, thereby lowering the carbon footprint while ensuring uninterrupted deliveries and resilience to disruptive events.
About the Survey
The TRACE Consortium is seeking input from citizens living in EU countries to participate in our survey. Your insights on automated mobility systems will be invaluable in shaping the future of logistics and transportation.
The survey was developed by ISIG (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia) as part of the activities of Task 2.3, dealing with Ethics and Societal Requirements, and intends to collect information on citizens’ perception, awareness, and acceptance of autonomous systems in the logistics operations. This data will allow the TRACE team to further develop its analysis on the level of perception, awareness, acceptance of autonomous systems and technologies, and their perceived impact and effectiveness. This will allow TRACE to integrate these inputs and concerns into its activities, design, and products.
All answers are anonymous and no personal information will be collected. The answers provided in the survey will be analyzed in an aggregate form and will be presented in a public report (TRACE deliverable 2.3 outlining the results of this research activity).
The survey targets all citizens across the European Union and is available in four languages: English, Greek, Italian, and Slovene.
We kindly invite you to take part in the survey through the following link: https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/TRACE_gen
Why Your Input Matters
Your participation will enable the TRACE team to analyze the level of knowledge, awareness, perception, trust, and acceptance of automated mobility solutions deployed in the EU. This information is crucial for integrating citizens’ feedback into the design and implementation of TRACE’s activities and products.
We appreciate your contribution to this important research. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at lorenzoni@isig.it.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Kindest regards,
The TRACE Consortium